June 30, 2013 |
New York |
Since 2006, the Amnesty International group in Lyme Regis, UK has been sending letters to Chinese officials regularly to urge the Chinese authorities to release Hada. The following are a letter to the Chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Mr.Baatar ("Ba Te Er" in Chinese) from the group and pictures of a group children from Lyme Regis, UK, who made and colored paper birds and sent them to the Chairman Baatar in the hope of Hada's immediate release (for more information visit the group's website: ):
Chairman Ba Te Er People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hohhot City Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Republic of China
Dear Chairman,
The schoolchildren of Lyme Regis send you these birds and ask you to set Hada free. We told them Hada's story and how he has been in prison for 16 years for promoting the cultural rights of his people. The children wanted to do something for him so they coloured these birds and signed their names on the back.
People all over the world are concerned about Hada. You can ensure that justice is done. Will you release him? We strongly urge you to do so.
Amnesty International Lyme Regis Group